Cinematography 101

Are there certain movies you love because of how they’re filmed? From the way the scenery is depicted to the use of lighting, transitions, etc., you appreciate how these motion pictures are captured on film. There’s a reason for that, and the answer is cinematography.

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Friday Film +005

"Don't count on motivation, count on discipline."

It's Friday Film time! This film is an incredible faux-umentary, meaning that, even though it feels real, it is not. It takes incredible skill and perfect execution to tread that line. The documentary style makes it feel real... and it is, for thousands of young boys.

Friday Film +004

It's Friday again! That means I've got another film to share. Just a warning, this week's video features some mature themes. I think the timing of information we're given in films is critical. Watch this, and take note of when plot points are given, and how that affects your level of comprehension, and also how it drives expectation and curiosity. Enjoy! 

Friday Film +002

"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar”. -Helen Keller

This project is an homage to the original piece featuring JP Auclair by Sherpas Cinema. It was pretty incredible, taking urban freestyle skiing in a completely fresh direction. I love the addition of the child's imagination. It's something many of us can relate to, and a gentle reminder to rest from the turmoil of adult life occasionally. Take a look and tell me what you think!

Friday Film

Happy Friday! 

The leaves are gorgeous and the temps are perfect. Please step outside at least once today!

"The Ultimate Tests Drive" is such a fun experience. I think at its core is Rosemary's spunk and determination. It's so delightful to see this elderly woman with such a sparkle in her eye and grit in her soul. It's shot and put together beautifully as well, but as always, it's the subject and story that shine through. Enjoy!